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graphic of btcore plan year dashboard

Benefit Plans

btcorecloud allows agencies to track and manage benefit plans for current and prior plan years.  The core capabilities provide the user experience to associate a plan year to related accounts, opportunities, census data members, benefits, policies, cases, and much more. 

Benefit Tracking and Servicing

You can add standard and custom benefit types in btcore with related policies and member enrollment detail.  Benefit information can be easily imported and exported for enrollment and proposal purposes.  


benefit tracking and servicing dashboard
btcorecloud member management dashboard
member management toolbar

Census Import and Member Management

Utilize the btcore library of insurance questionnaires to provide your team with a flexible and contemporary solution for collecting information about prospects and current customers.  This capability allows producers and account teams to complete the questionnaire on behalf of the client, or send the client an email to complete sections of the questionnaire on their own.  

Quick Actions and Document Management

Custom btcore quick actions make navigation easy through the benefits experience simple and efficient.  Document management is just as easy with the ability to upload client and plan assets.

Learn more about all of the Btcore capabilities.

benefit document mangement
btcore quick action toolbar


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